
Flaws in Indian Education System

  Written By - SAMRIDH GAUR First of all let me tell you something about the Indian education system it was imposed on as by the Britishers not for our growth and development . It was implemented on us so that we follow every instruction given to us and we do not question what the Britishers are doing with India and with us.   The present state of education in India is on a rough and bumpy road. Achievement of a 100% literacy rate in primary education is still a dream lost somewhere in the hazy cloud, the most basic foundation step of quality education. Over 500 million people in India still do not have access to primary education. The majority of the students in poor India drop out of schools before writing their 10th-grade papers. Let us discuss 5 major flaws in the Indian education system   1. INEQUALITY There is a wide disparity between the rich and the poor in the country and an equal level of disparity in terms of access to the elite education services. Quality educ...